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Hamilton Parker is focused on providing education opportunities for all industry professionals to better our understanding of the materials we use everyday.
Community Involvement Events
This section includes events supporting the Hamilton Parker philanthropy efforts. To learn more about our community involvement, click here.
April 16th | 7-9am | HP Columbus Showroom
Pelotonia Pancake Breakfast
May 22nd | 11am - 2pm | HP Columbus Warehouse Parking Lot
Pelotonia PIG Tournament & Cookout
June 6th | Starting at 6pm | HP Columbus Front Parking Lot
Pelotonia Cornhole Tournament
July 13th
Velvet Ice Cream Ride
July 15 | Leaving at 5:30pm from HP Columbus Parking Lot
Pelotonia Brew Dog Ride
July 25th | Starting at 6pm | HP Columbus Showroom
Pelotonia Euchre Tournament
August 2nd - 3rd | Downtown Columbus
Pelotonia Ride Weekend
Aug 13th | 5-7pm | Location TBD
Pelotonia Raffle & Happy Hour
October 4th | Athens County Snow Fork Event Center
Pelotonia Gravel Day